In my Application_Start I have
Global.EPDataFactory.LoadingPage += new PageEventHandler(ErrorHandler);
in the ErrorHandler function I just have a try/catch which catches any exception and performs a redirect to another page just for testing.
It works if I run from the server but not on remote machines despite having the option customErrors mode="On"
Anybody got any ideas why? Is this a bug?
Anyone browsing to a page with an invalid id from any machine than the server gets episervers standard error page but when i run locally on the server I get my error page.
It also makes no difference if its On or RemoteOnly - except when its set to off and Im browsing on localhost I get "Server Error in '/' Application" - EPiServer.Core.PageNotFoundException: Page 529122 was not found. Just like when I browse from any other machine that is not localhost.
I can point the 404 custom error page in IIS to anything - even a page that doesnt exist asp or aspx.
It makes no difference if I am trying to surf a page with an invalid ID from another machine if im logged in or not logged in. I just get to see the stack trace when I am logged in and not when im not.
I wonder therefore if this is a bug because my error handling code only gets run if im running on localhost (the desired result) and if Im browsing on any other machine I get "Server Error in '/' Application" - EPiServer.Core.PageNotFoundException: Page 529122
when i should get directed to my error page.
Has anyone else had this problem? Is it a version problem? I am running 4.30 at the moment with an upgrade due before Åre :)
Global.EPDataFactory.FailedLoadingPage += new PageEventHandler(ErrorHandler);
Global.EPDataFactory.LoadingPage += new PageEventHandler(ErrorHandler);
None of those ever get triggered during my tests.
When i tried to access the forum page in relateplus i am getting the following error in pagebase class.
if (_generalErrorPage == null)
_generalErrorPage = DataFactory.Instance.GetPage((PageReference)_startPage["GeneralErrorPage"]);
Can anyone pls figure out this issue?
Thanks in advance.