PageSearch as source for DataGrid

Hello! I want to use EPiServers PageSearch control to search for pages, but I want to list the result using a DataGrid. Therefore I wonder if there is a way to access the list with pages found by the PageSearch control after DataBind? What I would like to do is something like: protected PageSearch SearchResults; protected DataGrid dGrid; SearchResults.DataBind(); PageDataCollection pdc = SearchResults.GetPages(); dGrid.DataSource = pdc; dGrid.DataBind(); Thanks, PeO
Feb 22, 2006 11:44
Doesn't SearchResults.DataSource work? /HAXEN
Feb 27, 2006 13:51
Jag har vi ett tillfälle använt denna kod för att få tag i en PageDataCollection för sökresultatet. SearchResults.Filter += new FilterEventHandler(SearchFilter); public void SearchFilter(object sender, FilterEventArgs e) { PageDataCollection pages = e.Pages; }
Feb 27, 2006 17:29
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