Choosing a custodian when pressing the "Ready to Publish" button

Hi, The client wants a "ready to publish" tasks to go to a specific user or group. This needs to be set during runtime. I've email the issue to someone at Episerver and he came back with this : >>What I would do to get this functionality would be to develop a task where you programmatically can set the >>receiver of the task. I would use the ApprovalTask which is included in the SDK for EPiServer under >>\source\Workflow\Util\plugins as a starting point for this development. (ApprovalTask.ascx is under util\plugins) >>Then I would trap the event when a user presses "Ready to publish" in EPiServer which is called >>EPiServer.DataFactory.CheckingInPage in the event handler I would probably check if the page which is about >>to be Ready to publish is included in the desired workflow and if that is the case I would register a javascript >>which will pop-up a modal dialog instead of the dropdown-list. This because there are no suitable places to plug >>in such drop-down in EPiServer in the current plug-in framework. >>The pop-up could either list the custodians from an xml file or if you have set a group in the workflow you >>could list the members of that group. I'm able to register the javascript, call the event etc. but I don't know how to use or even modify the ApprovalTask.ascx Any help on this will be appreciated! Thanks! Danie
Mar 08, 2006 7:54
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