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Integrating external datasource, best practise?

I have an SQL database with approx. 150,000 products. I have created a "view product details" pagetype, and created one page using this pagetype. The page simply use a "product id" http query string parameter to fetch the external data. Obviously, this works just fine only when read-only access is required, but what is the best way to enable WebEditors to edit product details using EPiServer standard Editmode? The only way I can think of right now is importing the products into 150,000 pages in EPiServer. Seems overkill, does it not? Is there a better way? Thank you.
Mar 23, 2006 20:09
My suggestion is to seperate publishing from product managment, guess they already have a good tool for thier product catalog (or else you got a great sales lead..;) If they still want to do this, I would build a plug-in that would be enabled on the "view product details page", and through this plugin let them manipulate the product details. I would not import all 150,000 product into EPiServer and use the editor to manage the details, its not a suitable tool for a product catalog so you would keep the external system. It would be a nightmare to sync the contents between episserver and the external systems.
Mar 24, 2006 8:30
Do they have to be able to edit all products? Is there some structure in the products, say in categories and sub-categories, or accessories for the products? We have a solution that has some "main" procucts, which are created as pages in epi, and all accessories to this product is then dynamically fetched from the external datasource, based on the product id on the page in epi. Frank :)
Mar 24, 2006 8:31
Read this WhitePaper it will perhaps help You. /Per Hassle
Mar 24, 2006 8:34
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