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Send altered password to user

I'm in need of some functionality which takes care of the following scenario: When changing an user's password in Admin/Edit user-mode in EPiserver I'd like to have a button saying "Save and send new password to user". When hitting this button the new password is saved as normal. Additionally, the new password is sent to the user by email. Even though passwords are not stored in clear text in EPiServer, one should still be able to grab the contents of the textboxes. One could always do this as a hack in the admin-code, but I guess this might not survive a future upgrade. Has anyone done anything similar to this then any tip on how to approach would be highly appreceated! Thanks in advance! Frank
Apr 27, 2006 16:52
You've got one in the EPiCode project, which you already have access to :-) /Steve
Apr 27, 2006 21:28
Allrighty - I'd better dedicate some time getting familier with EPiCode then. About time, I guess... Thanks! Frank
Apr 28, 2006 14:25
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.