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Why post.aspx???????

Why does EPiServer implement the post.aspx solution and rewrite the current URL that I'm posting to, when you are doing a postback in EPiServer? Can anybody give me an explanation, because I don't understand it? // Jörgen
May 24, 2006 18:24
Hi, the post.aspx functionality and rewrite path is a part of the friendly URL package, to read more about this we have the white paper "Friendly URL.pdf", and to turn it of click "Use Web addresses that only support interactive use (/default.aspx?id=1)" below the config tab in Admin mode.
May 29, 2006 7:33
Ok. But I want to turn of the friendly URL redirection on some pages not all. Because our customer wants them, because of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I have tried the following: ---override ValidateFriendlyUrl function which removes the friendly url on that page. But then the Base tag is not correct <base href="https://localhost//" /> it shouldn't have the // in the end. Another issue we found when we did a load test on our system. We hade approx. 263.000 page hits and 20.000 of them was redirects (302) made by EPiServers friendlyurls implementation. How will this impact on the servers performance when you have a heavy load?
May 29, 2006 17:46
To get ride of the <base href tag you have to remove the FriendlyURLRegistration component from your web page. Both the temporary and permanent redirects is going to take down your servers performance when you use friendy URLs, especially when you have a lot of pages so the cache can’t cache all pages, this because the friendly URL is based on that a "bread crumb" is made by URL segments for each requests. That 10% of all your requests are generating a temporary redirect sound no normal, what is causing this (turn on debug logging in EPiServer on a test site and compare it with the IIS log).
May 30, 2006 8:17
you need to install hotfix3 or later
Oct 25, 2007 15:55
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.