urgent import problem

I’m having a problem importing pages from one website to another, a few pages go across fine, others generate this error: The following errors have occurred: Could not load type development.PropertyImageHtml from assembly EPiServerSample, Version=1.0.2110.18372, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. Could not load type development.PropertyImageHtml from assembly EPiServerSample, Version=1.0.2110.18372, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. Could not load type development.PropertyImageHtml from assembly EPiServerSample, Version=1.0.2110.18372, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. Can anyone suggest a solution or a work around? Thanks, Jon
Jun 01, 2006 18:32
You've got a custom property type (development.PropertyImageHtml) on the exporting site, which does not exist on the site you're importing to. You need to add the property type to the code, and access the site once (it will self register if you use the PageDefinitionTypePlugIn attribute). /Steve
Jun 03, 2006 18:24
Hi Steve, that was the problem but I had it the opposite way around.The custom data type did exist which was confusing me, it just wasn't set to the right assembly, switched to the right one and it worked.
Jun 14, 2006 17:03
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