Clarification on PageDataCollection

My PageDataCollection some times returns all pages (irrespective of the PageStatus like - Published, Expired ...) and at other times returns only pages that are Published. Is there anything wrong with the way I use "FindPagesWithCriteria". PageDataCollection colPages = new PageDataCollection(); PropertyCriteriaCollection col = new PropertyCriteriaCollection(); PropertyCriteria crForm = new PropertyCriteria(); crForm.Type = PropertyDataType.String; crForm.Condition = CompareCondition.Equal; crForm.Name = "PageTypeName"; crForm.Value = strPageTypeName; crForm.Required = true; col.Add(crForm); colPages = Global.EPDataFactory.FindPagesWithCriteria(EPiServer.Global.EPConfig.StartPage,col);
Jul 24, 2006 16:24
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