Using Repeater

Just an FYI which I found useful. The SDK has the following information on databinding for Repeater or DataList. PageControlBase Class Remarks Classes that derive from PageControlBase have very rich data binding support. Firstly they support .NET data binding to, for example, Repeater and DataList. Secondly, PageControlBase supports data binding itself to another data source to extend its data. Can be very useful to serialize data through different controls using different filters, for example when you need to split data delivered from a PageList into two different controls. You may also find that data delivered from one control would be better rendered using another control. Example Illustrates how data from one control can be used by several other controls, in this example it is only PageList1 that delivers data and the others are only used for presentation. <%#currentpage.pagelink%> runat="server" ID="PageList1"/> <%#pagelist1%> runat="server" ID="PageList2"> <%#pagelist1%> runat="server" ID="PageList3"> <%#pagelist1%> runat="server" ID="PageList3"> <%#databinder.eval(container.dataitem,"pagename")%> Simple example showing how data is read and displayed on a page. The PageLink specifies which page the list will be retrieved from. <%#currentpage.pagelink%> runat="server" ID="PageList2">
Oct 19, 2007 9:58
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