We have 2 websites on different servers that share the same database (load balancing).
If a file is uploaded on server 1, the same file must be distributed to server 2's upload directory (keeping both upload directories in sync) and vice versa. Can anyone please recommend a tool for this? I've looked in the Whitepapers and the technical notes, but can't find the document that deals with this issue.
A possible option might be Windows 2003's DFS (Distributed File System). Have anyone perhaps used this option?
One option would be to move the upload folder to a shared location on a file server (could be your database server). You can use the Unified File System to map the upload and page folders to a network location on another server. This way both servers will be pointing at the same set of files, removing the need to sync the files.
Take a look at the Technical note on the Unified File System, it has all the information you should need.
Hi Jeremy,
Wish I could use the db server as a file server, but it is an Unix server (Oracle db). Hopefully Window's File Distrubution File System can replicate the files.
We used DFS to do the exact same thing and it worked just fine. If I recall correctly we had some issues with replication to some of the servers, as they were part of a different domain (the DFS couldn't replicate across domains or something like that?). For those special cases we had a RoboCopy (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9d467a69-57ff-4ae7-96ee-b18c4790cffd&DisplayLang=en) job set up as a scheduled task which replicated the files across the domain/firewall boundary every minute. Not pretty, but it worked =P