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An efficient list of quotes handling

hello, We are looking into efficient ways to store quotes that would then be displayed in a sidebar module. The quotes should be translatable pair of "quote text", "quote author". Do you think making an inaccessible branch of simple pages outide the site main root with quotes as pages (one page per quote) would be an efifcient solution that would not clog down the DB too much or do you suggest another solution to be better pefrormance wise? Another suggestion we thoug of was to have a list of those in the xml files handles by the LanguageManager classes, but I am not convinced that (I am not sure how EPS handles it) having EPiServer loaded the xml file every time a page is displayed or storing them in memory is necessarily a good thing.
Mar 13, 2007 17:34
How many quotes do you think the system needs to handle? Storing them as pages (perhaps categorized in two or more levels) strikes me as a good idea, as long as we're not talking about storing ten thousands of quotes. You could even expose the quotes as EPiFields (a Random Quote field would have been cool). The language xml files are all read into one XML document, held in memory (which is why you should delete the languages you do not need from the /lang directory). Guess it would work though, but you'll have to write something to maintain the quotes too. If there will be many qoutes, e.g. you buy a "100.000 quotes of the day" database, you might want to put them into a separate table in the database. Seasoned EPiServer developers tend to think that everything can be stored as pages in EPiServer, which is kind of true, but not necessarily wise. Another option could be to store the quotes in the ObjectStore, the general EPiServer storage feature, which can hold about anything you'd like, efficiently, quickly restorable, searchable, indexable, highly available and environmentally safe. It might even solve the global warming problem while we're at it. Ok, maybe not. Truthfully, only a few developers outside of EPiServer know how to use it, and quite alot of us inside have no clue whatsoever. But, the tales I've heard about it would nominate it as a prime candidate for a quote system like this. Right now, it is storing things like XForms definitions and data, WSRP stuff, Content Mirroring data and lots more. It's been around since 4.50 (I think) and is said to be documented - eventually, until then I guess we'll have to resort to other ways of doing things. So - depending on the number of quotes; create pages or your own table(s). /Steve
Mar 13, 2007 20:58
Anyone seen any documentation on using ObjectStore as a repository?
Mar 14, 2007 9:24
Thanks Steve! I'll look into the ObjectStore but for now I think we'll stick with the page per quote schema. The quotes are probably not going to exceed 200 or so since this will be added manually like a kind of recomendations of the company by its customers. Also thanks for the clarification about the languages. Really neat trick to save some memory!
Mar 14, 2007 11:14
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