November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
- menu 1
- menu 2
- menu 3
- sub menu1
- sub menu2
Thanks, Martin Kulov
<%# GetMenuPageName(Container.CurrentPage) %>
<%# GetMenuPageName(Container.CurrentPage) %>
<%# GetMenuPageName(Container.CurrentPage) %>
<%# GetMenuPageName(Container.CurrentPage) %>
<%# GetMenuPageName(Container.CurrentPage) %>
using System;
using System.Text;
using EPiServer;
using EPiServer.Core;
namespace Unctad.Web.Templates.Units
/// Summary description for TopMenu.
public partial class TopMenu : UserControlBase
public EPiServer.WebControls.MenuList MenuListControl {
get { return epiMenu; }
private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//ucPageLink.PropertyName = CurrentPage.PageName;
protected PageReference MenuRoot // This should be the container reference to each item in the global menu.
if(CurrentPage["MainMenuContainer"] != null)
return (PageReference)CurrentPage["MainMenuContainer"];
return Configuration.StartPage;
public string PullDownMenus()
StringBuilder htmlString = new StringBuilder(50);
htmlString.Insert(0, "" + Server.HtmlEncode(CurrentPage.PageName));
PageReference parentReference = MenuRoot; // The parent reference should be the first child in the global navigation.
// Here should be an iteration of the all the first level sons of the global navigation.
while (parentReference != PageReference.EmptyReference)
PageData childPage;
childPage = GetPage(parentReference);
htmlString.Insert(0, "- ");
htmlString.Insert(0, CreatePageLink(childPage));
htmlString.Insert(0, "
parentReference = MenuRoot; // The parent reference should then change to the second child and so on.
htmlString.Insert(0, "
return htmlString.ToString();
protected static string GetMenuPageName(PageData pd)
return pd["varMenu"] != null ? (string)pd["varMenu"] : (string)pd["PageName"];
private String CreatePageLink(PageData pageObject)
String pageDisplayName;
pageDisplayName = pageObject.PageName;
return "
/*-- drop down menus:mod -- */
#drpdncontainer {} /* holds menus for positioning*/
#topmenu div {} /* holds menus for positioning*/
#drpdn, #drpdn ul {}
#drpdn a {width:15em;text-decoration:none;color:#fff;} /* width needed or else Opera goes nuts */
#drpdn a:hover {color:#1f4478;background:#fff;}
#drpdn li {text-transform:none !important;} /* all list items;width needed or else Opera goes nuts */
#drpdn li a {}
#drpdn li ul {width:15em;text-align:left;background:#1f4478;} /* second-level lists */
#drpdn li ul li {width:15em;border-bottom:1px solid #999;} /* second-level lists */
#drpdn li ul li a {width:15em;font-size:11px;font-weight:normal;padding:5px 0 0 5px;border-right:none;} /* second-level lists */
#drpdn li:hover ul {}
#drpdn li ul ul {margin:-1em 0 0 15em;} /* third-and-above-level lists */
#drpdn li:hover ul ul,
#drpdn li.sfhover ul ul {}
#drpdn li:hover ul, #drpdn li li:hover ul, #drpdn li.sfhover ul, #drpdn li li.sfhover ul {}/* lists nested under hovered list items */
The above link is not working. It would be more helpful if you give the right link.
I had a similar situation. Consider the following page structure
Product Category 1
Product 1.1
Product category 2
Product 2.1
Product 2.2
All I am using is Episerver:Pagelis control as following.
<EPiServer:PageList runat="server" PageLinkProperty="ProductStartPageId" SortOrder="Index" ID="ProductStartPage >
<HeaderTemplate> <h3>Product</h3>
<!-- Product Heading -->
<EPiServer:Property ID="PropertyProductHeading" PropertyName="PageLink" runat="server" />
<!-- Display product category -->
<EPiServer:Property ID="Property1" PropertyName="PageName" runat="server" />
<!-- Display child of that product category -->
<EPiServer:PageList runat="server" PageLink="<%# Container.CurrentPage.PageLink %> " SortOrder="Index" ID="ProductChildStartPage" >
<ItemTemplate><li><EPiServer:Property ID="Property1" PropertyName="PageLink" runat="server" /></li></ItemTemplate>
I have created ProductStartPageId as a dynamic property through admin and assigned it the starting page value and used it in the control.
No other custom work required !!!