Displaying news based upon the user’s membership/role

I need to be able to display news in a news list based upon the user’s membership/role (there are four different groups). What is the best and smartest way to display these news? The page requires login, when logged-in there are links to different systems displayed based upon the user’s membership – and what news displayed should, just like the links, be based upon the same membership. There will be some news that everyone should be able to see, and then the rest of the news should come with the membership and what links/systems the user can access. This cannot be an unusual dilemma, can it? My first reaction is that it should be a common problem, and therefore should be an easy EPiServer-way to solve this issue… Or?
Apr 13, 2007 18:55
The easiest would probably be to use the security system.. Page list will not display pages that the user doesn't have read access to. /HAXEN
Apr 14, 2007 23:48
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.