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Im having exactly the same problem Ben. Did you manage to find a fix for the issue?
The weird thing is that if I preview the movie .swf file from the file browser popup I can see the video playing normally WITH the control buttons so it is correctly picking up the 'SteelExternakAll.swf' file as well as the .flv file which are all located in the same directory yet when I add the .swf file in to any of my episerver pages I lose the control buttons again...
I've got a similar problem.
At first, I couldn't even see my index.swf but after I put all swf and flv files in the same directory(root) I could finally see the flash. Unfortunatly the flv doesn't show. Only to background image.
Does anyone know why and have a good sollution???
Has somebody managed to get a video to play with JW flv player in Episerver?
With the embeded code I get the player to show but the video dosent start.
The mime type is OK
The wideo is in Adobe FMS3 and it plays ok from other webpages but not from Epipage.
Please help
I have fixed this successfully & thought I'd share my solution.
In your Global.asax:
<%@ Application Language="C#" Inherits="EPiServer.Global" %>
<script RunAt="server">
protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// EPiserver's virtual paths pose a problem for Flash video. The video file can load
/// fine, but it references a second Flash file which holds the controls, and looks for that
/// in the same location as the current page, which does not have the controls file.
/// </summary>
protected void HandleRequestForFlashPlayerControls()
string FlashPlayerControlsFileName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FlashPlayerControlsFileName"];
string FlashPlayerControlsLocation = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FlashPlayerControlsLocation"];
if (Request.Url.PathAndQuery.Contains(FlashPlayerControlsFileName) &&
!Request.Url.PathAndQuery.Contains(FlashPlayerControlsLocation.Replace("~", "")))
And in web.config, add some appSettings:
<add key="FlashPlayerControlsFileName" value="SteelExternalAll.swf"/>
<add key="FlashPlayerControlsLocation" value="~/Documents/Media/SteelExternalAll.swf"/>
The setting "FlashPlayerControlsFileName" is the name of your Flash Player Controls file. "FlashPlayerControlsLocation" is the path to this in EPiServer.
Your Visual Studio project should have a Global.asax file. If it does not, you can add one. If you have a Global.asax.cs, you can also add the code within the <script> tag into there.
Global.asax is where you can handle global events in ASP.NET, such as Application_BeginRequest which fires on every http request handled by ASP.NET.