The request is not available in this context

Hi all! I'm trying to get a copy of our intranet to work on my local computer, but I get the exception: "The request is not available in this context" when executing this code, loading the first page (any page): return new EPiServer.TemplatePage().GetPage((PageReference)o); I have checked and it is the GetPage(PageReference pageLink) method of BasePage that is causing the problem. Stack trac e: at System.Web.UI.Page.get_Request() at EPiServer.EditPage.ParseParameters() at EPiServer.PageBase.get_CurrentPageLink() at EPiServer.PageBase.GetPage(PageReference pageLink) I'm running Windows Vista with IIS 7.0, which may be part of the problem... I just upgraded to EPiServer 4.61 but had the same problem with EPiServer 4.40 Any ideas as to what may be causing the problem and how I can solve it? Thanks! /Christian
Apr 13, 2007 11:51
Hi, I just saw a similar problem but it was the module LogConverter that caused the problem. If you are using it, try removing the following line from your web.config file: Alternatively, download the latest version.
Sep 28, 2007 13:19
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.