EPnPublishedPagesMaxCount in EPiServer.LogService.exe.Config...

Hi! I am building a "Most Visited" module, just like the one in the EPiServer Sample Site. The only difference is that i want it to display more then just the 5 most visited websites. The sample uses the RealTimeAnalyzerView.GetMaxHits() to retrive a DataSet containing the most visited websites. By default this returns 5 Rows. As far as i can see you should be able to change this by setting the EPnPublishedPagesMaxCount in the EPiServer.LogService.exe.Config: 5 I have changed this and restarted the EPiServer Log Service, but nothing seems to happend. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong? Best Regards, Christian Grønbæk Jørgensen, Denmark
Jun 15, 2007 10:45
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