We all know that our dear users sometimes reads:
"Are you really sure you want to delete this!?"
"Just click ok again to continue and let the technitians worry about any future problems".
I've been asked if there's any way to create a page that lists pages that have broken EPi-links in them.
I was thinking of using something like DataAbstraction.SoftLink.LoadReferencing(PageReference.Empty) but that didn't quite give the results I was looking for.
Any Ideas?
Regards / Stellan
Take a look at this blog post from Mats Hellström at EPiServer, sounds like exactly what you're looking for:
Best regards
Thank you.
Though this is not what I was looking for, it was clearly a good plugin.
I'm more interesting in how to list EPi-pages that have links to other EPi-pages that have been deleted from the trashbin.
Anyone else got an idea?
Realized the second I clicked Publish that I might have misunderstood your request just a little bit, that you're more interested in internal links than in external links :-) But perhaps that module can act as a starting point in your work?
Maybe this could give some inspiration.
Even though it's about external links the same thing could be done on internal as well.
Take each URL create a PageReference, use it to load a PageData object and handle your exceptions to find out if the page exists.
but that didn't quite give the results I was looking for. Any Ideas? Regards / Stellan