Hi all, I have the strangest error and I'm stumped...
The problem is: In a web form (asp.net 2.0, c#) oninit is firing twice. But it's not some autoeventewireup=true thats causing this (set to false everywhere), and it seems like it's only oninit that fires twice, not the page_load. And here's the best: On my default.aspx oninit only fires once and all included controls work great, but on all other aspx's I create it fires twice. Even if they contain exactly the same code as my default.
I know this description is failry general, and perhaps quite hard to follow when you cant see the code (i know i could upload it here but it's massive, and it feels like this is a more fundamental error than just some bad codebehind, but let me know if there's something you'd like to see), I just wanted to check if there's anybody who has an idea where things could go wrong, 'cause I've been staring at this for hours now and is on the brink of going insane...
Thanks! /Måns