Links module anyone got one care to share and Display news on home page On Of How ??

Does anybody have a links module written for episerver to just have a set of links and images on a page then a list pritty much the same way the news engine works. ` How do i go about adding a property filter to code i no how to add the property to the page via episerver admin I have one called DisplayOnPods basically i run my main page through the news engine but i want to be able to have a feature article and not have it repeated in the pods you will see the effect i am having if you look at i hope you can view this as i am not sure how episerver dells with outside connections demo license
Jul 17, 2007 9:44
Don't really know what you mean about that link module. But the featured news thing can be solved by just skipping the first news in your collection when you loop it. Just like there's a MaxCount there's also a Skip count. If you use the newslist there's also a whole bunch of templates you can use to achieve this. // Björn Sållarp Avantime AB
Jul 20, 2007 11:38
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