urgent like to intneral episerver page fetch data dialog not working crashin giwht javascirpt problem

i have a web site at http://citizenadvice.dev3.biznetprojects.co.uk/_admin username admin password admin001 for some reasion i dont no the fetch data from episerver dialog comes up with an error saying that http://citizenadvice.dev3.biznetprojects.co.uk/Util/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fUtil%2fPageBrowser.aspx%3fid%3d%26info%3dPC_37_1%24EditForm%24PageShortcutLink% then brings up the dialog box but with the login sccreen i have no files in the recyle bin what can be wrong please help it says cannot move focus to a control that is invislbe i have change nothing in that dialog or default properties of a page
Jul 24, 2007 18:28
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