UFS can't handle plus-characters in file name?

We have set up an UFS directory ("/upload") on our site, but it seems like I can't open any files in this folder if the file name contains the plus (+) character. For instance, I have uploaded a document directly in the "/upload" folder and named this document to "to+do.doc". When I try to open it I get the following error: [HttpException: The requested resource was not found] [Inner exception FileNotFoundException: The file "/upload/to do.doc" was not found] It appears that UFS somehow ignores the plus character which makes the file name invalid. If I rename the document to "todo.doc", it opens without a problem. Have I done something wrong, or is this a feature of UFS and if so, are there any other characters it can't handle? Thanks, Jonas
Aug 30, 2007 11:31
No comments? Should I interpret that as no one has had this problem before or that there is no answer to give? /Jonas
Sep 03, 2007 10:53
Hi, You are correct, this is a known issue and registered as the following bug: 0045945: UnifiedFileSystem cannot handle plus '+' sign Regards Per
Sep 11, 2007 17:11
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