Xforms - bcc mail to the person filling out the form.

We have forms for course registration, and would like to send an confimation email to the user, when sending the form. Is there any solution for this? To take the email adress from the email field filled in by the user and have a mailto: function in addition to the predefined email to us and the database. Uses Episerver4.6x Arnfinn Amundsen Norway
Jan 29, 2008 14:49
Yes, you can do this using the events in the xform but you need to know the name of the inputfield containing the emailaddress. Attach to the AfterSubmitPostedData event like this: FormControl.AfterSubmitPostedData += new SaveFormDataEventHandler(FormControl_AfterSubmitPostedData); In your method you can check if the form is sent: if (FormControl.FormDefinition.IsSent) { string emailaddress = e.FormData.GetValue("Epost"); }
Jan 30, 2008 13:18
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.