Set CausesValidation="false" on your BUttons/LinkButtons in order to bypass the validation. See also this thread:
I created the poll with multipls questions and multiple options for each question by using XForm.When i click on submit btn the statistics results are showing fine.But when i delete one option from a question and click on submit btn.Then it is displaying the statistics result along with the deleted option.How is it possible? i deleted the browser history too.While displaying the questions it is not displaying the deleted option.But after clicking on submit btn it is dispalying the deleted option in statistics result.
Can any one suggests me the way ?
Thanks in advance.
I guess that the statistic uses the previously posted data that is stored in EPiServer. Removing one option doesn't affect what has already been posted.
If you check the forms posted data I guess you have a column for the now removed option.
Hi Nergard,
Yes u r right. in table name "tblXFormData" there is still the deleted data.
I want to display the question not only before poll even after result. How can i achieve this?
Thank in advance.
i'v designed a poll(for voting) using xform, where there are
1. Radio button, having multiple options (made as mandatory field)
2. Check box, having multiple options (made as mandatory field)
3. Submit Button, to view results.
The poll xform is assigned to a xform property of home page and is placed in the master page, so that the users could vote from any of the page. On the click of Results button of Poll, the requiredfield validators of the xform gets fired, if no option is selected (either from radio button options or check box options).
But these validators also gets fired on the other page events, when values are not chosen for poll. How to handle this problem??