Custom Urls , EpiServer 4.xx

Hi I'm trying to use a HttpModule to do custom redirects I have the url which i want redirect to I've added a customhttpmodule to the top of the httpmodule section of my webconfig. My problem is that the first request that executes the module has the request url of: not as i would have expected This says to me that some other code is being executed before customhttpmodule is executed Does anyone know what this code is? Cheers Tim
Mar 06, 2008 17:59
it seam the the 404 address is always specified with a friendUrl. I guess the FriendlyUrlmodule must pull the correct address out after the page has not been initially found, not before as i guessed
Mar 06, 2008 18:49
Why not use the shortcut url (under the advanced tab) to do this? Btw. the "not found url" should be in the querystring to the 404 page. /Steve
Mar 08, 2008 12:58
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