How to creating a page hit counter using LogService...

Hi, I've implemented LogService, and I can see the page hit counter from Statistics tab in edit mode. Then I try to create a page hit counter, I found there are some class/method in EPiServer.Log.Analyzer, such as EPiServer.Log.Analyzer.TimeSpanAnalyzer, EPiServer.Log.Analyzer.TimeSpanAnalyzerView... Some posts said it is "A sample analyzer to handle historical data based on page hits", but I use and use a method called GetHits, and can't get anything. Do you have some experience? please give me some instruction, thanks.
Mar 03, 2008 14:32
currently i'm using this method, TimeSpanAnalyzerView.GetHits(string root, System.DateTime start, System.DateTime end) can someone tell me what's the "string root" means, how's the root's definition and how to set it up? thanks.
Mar 04, 2008 8:48
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