upgrading to cms 5 - a gotcha!

I had a little "gotcha" moment today. I had done a page in my 4.62 project that had a hard coded link to a page. The reason I had this hard coded link was because I had done an example page with some links as a reference while I built the real page. What happened when I moved this code to EPiServer CMS 5? Well I got "page 178 does not exist". Of course! - The page 178 doesnt exist anymore, you might think? - The export/import has changed the real pages to the new method and given all the links new ... but STOP just a minute! This is a link -I- have written in my aspx page, not a link assigned via code-behind or a property set in the editor... I havent clicked the link, im just rendering it... Hmmm, is EPiServer CMS parsing normal A tags on the fly during page render and checking that the page exists? I cant explain it any other way, but that is what it seems to be doing. /John
Mar 06, 2008 10:45
EPiServer CMS 5 is parsing all links as part of the Filter event just before the html is handed off of the server, including your hardcoded links. EPiServer properties will render "unfriendly" (guid-based) urls which are translated to the friendlier counterparts during the Filter event. This is the place where your link is picked up. /Steve
Mar 08, 2008 12:54
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.