Not sure if it's a best practice, but this works:
Set up a virtual path in your web.config (use the VirtualPathNativeProvider if you have an existing file structure you want to hook up in your solution)
<add showInFileManager="true" virtualName="Photos" virtualPath="~/Photos/" bypassAccessCheck="true" physicalPath="C:\Inetpub\episerverfiles\Photos" name="SitePhotos" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNativeProvider,EPiServer" />
Then, you need to add a <location path="Photos"> section for your new virtual path so that IIS6 can deal with the files.
Now you're good to go, so in your code, you can now get your folder like:
VirtualPathNativeProvider vpnp = (VirtualPathNativeProvider)VirtualPathHandler.GetProvider("SitePhotos");
And e.g. return an image url like return vpnp.VirtualPathRoot + "/epiworld.jpg";
Not sure if this was what you were looking for, but you can read more about virtualpaths in the sdk.
Lars Øyvind Bodahl
or like this:
UnifiedDirectory dir = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider.GetDirectory(virtualPathasString) as UnifiedDirectory;
Great, thanks!
Then I'll just add an AppSettings variable so the name of the provider isn't hard coded.
What is considered Best Practice when it comes to getting a CMS5 counterpart for the old /upload/ directory? I've been searching all day and can't really find any good examples of it. Preferably without having to hard code paths in to the code.