How to show/hide fields in an Xform



 I'm working on an Xform, and what I want to to is that I want the user to be able to select between three radiobuttons. If the user selects radiobutton 1, then one textfield for input is displayed, if the user selects radiobutton 2, two textfields is displayed and so forth.

Is this possible to do with XForms? The only event that I can find that maybe could work is the ValueChanged event belonging to the Select1 control. But this event seems to only fire after I have pushed the submitbutton. Is it possible to use some event more similar to the SelectedIndexChanged (belonging to the RadioButtonList) to detect that the user has choosen another radiobutton? 

I would appreciate all help.




Apr 24, 2008 10:12
Test to loop through all RadioButtonLists via FormControl and add SelectIndexChanged from the code-behind. That might work?
May 26, 2008 13:52
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