AJAX in EPiServer 5?


I am trying to implement a simple update panel but no matter what I do it wont work...

I have a master page with a script manager within it, an inherited page which has a control placed in the contentplaceholder. the control holdes a newslist which has 2 drop down lists for ordering, I want the news list ordering to change when I select an item in the drop down lists (eg ascending/descending results). This works fine with postbacks but no matter what I do and where I put the update panel it alsways posts back and doesnt just updated the page? Is there something I need to add in anywhere to get this working?

If I removed the script manager it complains so I know it is aware of it. I saw in a blog about commenting out the xhtmlconformace="legacy" but that was in an older version of epierver and looks like it has been removed for this version?


May 20, 2008 13:29

Hi Tony,

Have you made changes in web.config according to this document?


Also, be aware of this known issue in EPiServer CMS 5 (SP2 and older):

#9879: Links with friendly url inside a updatepanel will be unfriendly after a async postback.

So you either need to not use friendly url on your site or you need to manually rewrite the links inside the updatepanel with a code similar to this:

  public string GetFriendlyURL(PageReference PageLink, string URL)
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(URL);
EPiServer.Global.UrlRewriteProvider.ConvertToExternal(url, PageLink, System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8);
return url.ToString();


Edited, May 20, 2008 16:45

Lovelly thanks that sorted it... I assumed that it would already have everythign needed to run ajax. 

Thanks again

May 20, 2008 18:19
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