PagingFooterTemplate. Has anybody got any idea?


Looking at the name in EPiServer:NewsList , seems one can create custom paging. 

But like so many things in episerver, cannot find a word of documentation about this. Has anybody used it?  I need custom paging. Paging="true" is  taking >> and << for last and first page navigation and formating on its own. Alignment is totally screwed compared to  > and < for next and previosu page navigation. 

Lookign at SDK, episerver has SO MANY things.  simply dont have idea how to use it. Why it is so bad in documentating its own features. :-(



Jun 09, 2008 10:51

Ok.. i think i found a way to do it. :D

You need to do it from code behind  NewsList.PagingControl and use its properties.


Still .. how about writing a few lines in SDK, instead of plain default comment text which pretty much says NOTHING..  


Jun 09, 2008 11:24

Have a look at this thread

Jun 09, 2008 17:38
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