Issue with Subscription


 Question 1 :

Currently I am using CMS 5 EPiServer Manager I know what is the criteria for CanSubscribeTo return true? thisUser.SubscriptionInfo.CanSubscribeTo(PageReference.Parse(lstPages.SelectedValue))

Scenario:  I have created few page types with property "EPSubscribe" set to true and try to subscribe user to that page using this line. thisUser.SubscriptionInfo.SubscribeTo(PageReference.Parse(lstPages.SelectedValue));

During checking after subscription, however this line always return false. thisUser.SubscriptionInfo.IsSubscribingTo(PageReference.Parse(lstPages.SelectedValue)); I use  CanSubscribeTo() method  to check and found that it also always return false for all my pages.

Question 2:

Which tables that store information on User subscription in the backend database? I would like to check if any records been inserted.

Question 3:

Any sample code for CMS 5 which shows how to do subscription and send alerts for news pages?


Jul 09, 2008 14:44

Have you tried to name the property "EPSUBSCRIBE" instead of "EPSubscribe"?

Jul 09, 2008 14:58

HI Daniel, I am using "EPSUBSCRIBE" and it is not working too. Thanks.




Jul 10, 2008 6:47
This issue is solved. The problem is in the property, after "EPSUBSCRIBE" there is one extra space character. Thanks.
Aug 05, 2008 13:07
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.