Newbie tutorials?


I'm trying to get the hang of developing for EpiServer, but can't really seem to find good "newbie tutorials" to get me started.

I have EpiServer CMS up and running, and I have the SDK. But I have no idea where to go from here. Can someone point me to some nice step by step "hello world" tutorial?

Jul 30, 2008 9:56

Hello Mika,

I don't know of any steb ty step "hello world" tutorial. But you could check the Editor- and AdminManual. And there is a getting started section in the SDK. You could also check this Tech-Note, its writen for 4.62 but most of it will still work just the same. You could also have a look at our courses.

Happy coding!


Edited, Jul 30, 2008 13:47

Thanks, that Tech-Note ( I quess you meant this one ) really helped me understand EPiServer better. You might want to update that for version 5 model.

Aug 01, 2008 8:27
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