Scheduled job not shoving in backend



Im working on a scheduled job in episerver  5.1.422.256

The problem is that i cant see it in the admin backend. the code is a simple textbook example.

using EPiServer.DataAbstraction;

using EPiServer.PlugIn;

namespace Primera.CompaireMeta



DisplayName = "Sync travelbook and EPi meta",Description =

"Sync script ",



public class TravelbookEPiSync


public static string Execute()


return System.DateTime.Now.ToString();



 I tested this no another local machine installation with the same episerverdatabase, and here it is not shown either. 

I tested this on an site i have with 5.1.422.122 where it shows up  with out any problem.

I tried to install the task manually, and by placing breakpoints, i could see that the code did get called atleast once, but still i could not see the taks in the admin mode.

Has any of you had a simular problem, or have any idea how and what can bee done.

best regards




Jul 28, 2008 11:19
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