YouTube response and URL Rewriting


Hi I'm having issues with the URL rewriting that EPiServer does and the response from the YouTube API.

When uploading a video to youtube it'll create a response in the following format:

Problem I'm having is that EPiServer is hiding the 'id' parameter from the query string and I need access to it so I can save the string as a property of an EPiServer page.
I've tried removing URL rewriting from the page with the following in Application_Start in the global.asax:
Which doesn't seem to let me view the 'id' parameter in the URL.
I've also tried the following HttpModule from Ruwen Jin's blog to no avail:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using EPiServer.Web;

namespace NUSSL.NUS.CMS.Application.Modules
public class KeepIdForDataHandler : System.Web.IHttpModule
#region IHttpModule Members

static bool isURLHandlerInitialized = false;

public void Dispose()

public void Init(System.Web.HttpApplication context)
if (!isURLHandlerInitialized)
UrlRewriteModule.HttpRewriteInit += new EventHandler(UrlRewriteModule_HttpRewriteInit);

isURLHandlerInitialized = true;
isURLHandlerInitialized = false;

static void UrlRewriteModule_HttpRewriteInit(object sender, UrlRewriteEventArgs e)
UrlRewriteModule urm = (UrlRewriteModule)sender;

urm.HttpRewritingToInternal += new EventHandler(urm_HttpRewritingToInternal);

static void urm_HttpRewritingToInternal(object sender, UrlRewriteEventArgs e)
if (e.Url.Path.ToLower().EndsWith("youtuberesponsehandler.aspx"))
e.Cancel = true;


 Any suggestions?

Jul 10, 2008 19:03

And I see should have this in the global.asax, but it's still not helped :

Edited, Jul 10, 2008 19:28
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.