EPiServer URL Rewriting



My URLrewriting has start acting pretty weird.

For all URLs that end with a "/", "default.aspx" gets added to end of URL and of course I get a "404 - The resource cannot be found." error. If I write a URL that does not end with a slash everything works fine. I'm running an EPiServer 4.62 application when I get this behavior. Think this behavior started after first time I did setup an EPiServer 5 application. I don't get this behavior when running EPiServer 5 applications.

Has someone notice same behavior and found a solution to it?

Aug 01, 2008 9:57


When looking into IIS application mappings I found ".*" mapped to "aspnet_isapi.dll".
This caused URL rewriting to act strange in 4.62, don't know if it was my EPi5 installation that added this mapping.

Hope this can be useful for some else. =)


Aug 04, 2008 10:59
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