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Sharing a Episerverpage between different parent categories


Hi Folks, 

we are having dififerent categories of parent page

I have created a newsarticle in Category1 called newsarticle1 which is mapped to Category2 and Category3.I want to display the newsarticle1 newspage in Category2 and Category3

We tried with the Fetch Data from Page in Episerver in shortcut/external link TAB to read the properties of the particular newsarticle1 page.We can able toread the properties of the newsarticle page.I want to show the newsarticle page in category2 and Category 3.

Please let me know will it affect any performance when we crerate more  than 1000  articles in a particular category.
Is there any other better way to this?How can we achive this ?

It would be great if you reply me ASAP

Ganesan Sankaran


Aug 01, 2008 12:52
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