Drop down Menu



I am new to episerver.I would like to know how can i show a drop down menu when i placed mouse over the Top Menu  items.(show the level 2 child nodes of each node)

Thanks in Advance



Sep 10, 2008 14:23

In the episerver:menulist you can create a new episerver:pagelist in the itemTemplate which has the pagelink set to container.currentpage.pagelink. this will produce all the children under each menu item. you now have to hide/show this pagelist by using javascript on mouse over.

good luck

-Kjetil Simensen

Sep 10, 2008 16:10

Just thought I would add two nice links for suggestions on creating the menus themselves (css etc)




Sep 15, 2008 10:57

 Can U pls explain how to use MenuList to make a Menu with drop down submenu.

The following is the menu.ascx code.

<EPiServer:MenuList runat="server" ID="Menu">
        <ul id="MainMenu">
            <EPiServer:PageList runat="server" ID="PageList1" DataSource="<%#Container.CurrentPage.PageLink %> ">
                        <EPiServer:Property ID="Property1" PropertyName="PageLink" runat="server" />

 The following is Menu.ascx.cs

protected override void OnLoad(System.EventArgs e)
            Menu.PageLink = PageReference.StartPage;           
            Menu.PageLoader.GetChildrenCallback = new HierarchicalPageLoader.GetChildrenMethod(LoadChildren);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the collection for the main menu, adding the startpage
        /// </summary>
        private PageDataCollection LoadChildren(PageReference pageLink)
            PageDataCollection pages = DataFactory.Instance.GetChildren(pageLink);
            pages.Insert(0, DataFactory.Instance.GetPage(pageLink));
            return pages;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the MenuList for this control
        /// </summary>
        public MenuList MenuList
            get { return Menu; }
            set { Menu = value; }


pls help.Thanks in advance.I am getting all the menu items in a single list,Including sub menu

Jun 13, 2009 7:53
You are missing a header and footer template with a <ul> + </ul> in the second listing (episerver:pagelist)
Jun 14, 2009 19:01
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.