xform singe user post



i would like to be able to display a message if an user already posted the form after the submit button is pressed


i noticed that the event after posted data is not raised. any ideas?



Jan 29, 2009 18:40

The event may be prevented for example by a redirect earlier in the event chain (or earlier in the same event). Try to hook into the event earlier, I assume you do it on the Load event, for example in the Init event.

Jan 30, 2009 9:18

it is the init event but it's not being raised

anyways i  made some changs in the ControlsCreated event and i was able to get something close to what i initially wanted


since we got to xforms, i just noticed that the EPiServer:XFormStatistics control has a property "PropertyName"and this is suposed to be set to the name of the xform property right?

this way the statistics control will be able to set its FormDefinitionID(readonly) or else it will render nothing

And now the problem: i use a page with a xform in two ways:

-page accessed directly (no problem here the statisctis contrl has all the needed data)

 -another page that holds multiple user controls including the control that is responsible for displaying the xform form and statistics. In this case, the statistics has FormDefinitionID = empty guid and i assume that this happens because on this specific page there is no xform propertty. So, in this case i can only display and use the xform form, and i am unable to display the statistics(thanks god i don't really need to do this :) )

Question: am i missing something or, if i'm not, is there a workaround for this problem? since FormDefinitionID  is read only i can't specify what is the xform that the statistics should be showing results from



Jan 30, 2009 12:58

If you want to use a property from an other page, set not only PropertyName but also PageLink of the Property control. If that does not suit your purposes, perhaps you can use the InnerProperty property to get the data into your Property control.

Jan 30, 2009 14:11

thanks sounds good

i did saw the PageLink property but didnt knew what was it for

Jan 30, 2009 14:48
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