The SortBy property defines the field (page property) to sort the results, e.g. PageName in the example on this link:
There is also the property faqItemLister.SortDirection to define the ascending or descending order of the result:
faqItemLister.SortDirection = EPiServer.Filters.FilterSortDirection.Ascending
SortOrder uses the enum from EPiServer.Filters.FilterSortOrder, e.g. EPiServer.Filters.FilterSortOrder.CreatedAscending. I do not know which takes precendance.
I have just modified some code on our system and this displays correctly:
<EPiServer:NewsList ID="newsLister" runat="server" SortBy="PageName" SortDirection="Ascending">
Initially I tried it without the SortDirection attribute and found that it sorts by descending by default. We were using:
<EPiServer:NewsList ID="newsLister" runat="server" SortOrder="PublishedDescending">
This is in a user control rather than an ASPX page. Do you have any code defining the sort criteria in your code behind?
I do not know the answer to your question on sorting by two fields.
Thanks. Got it :)
Maybe some other ppl might know how to sort articles by date / name - name / date.
Where can I find information on what properties these two sort functions have?
There's nothing in the manual or SDK.