Hi James,
For your first problem (disable buttons in editor), have a look at this forum post
For your second problem , I am not really sure which tabs are you talking about. Could you please elaborate it a bit more.
Hi Shahid,
THanks for the reply. The forum post refers to disabling buttons in the rich text editor. I want to disable buttons in the Edit user interface that appear just below the EpiServer logo in the Edit UI. I don't want certain users to be able to access the Report Center, Action Window, Workflow Window etc - which are accessed via these toolbar buttons.
The tabs I want to hide are the ones in the edit UI (~/ui/edit) which are labelled Structure, Favorites, My Tasks. I'm guessing this level of customisation would not be achieved via a config setting rather through writing some custom code. It's just knowing which event to hook in to and how to do so (I'm very new to EpiServer).
Hi James,
Ah!..Yes there is no such config setting available that enable/disable the buttons based on user roles.
Anders Hattestad has written something similar to your question. Have a look at his blog post which I am pretty sure will be of great help to start off.
I'm looking for a way to disable certain buttons in the edit toolbar as well as the tabs in the edit UI for a particular user group. Can this be achieved?