w3c standard in 4.61


I ran the w3c validator on my site, and the error that i got was mostly about big letters in tags.

 When I look in my templates and master page, it looks ok. Seems like the epi-editor adds taggs (<p> <a > etc) with big letters. Is there a way to change that? Is there other part of 4.61 that isn't suported by w3c?

Apr 01, 2009 16:39
Are you using Long String-properties or XHTML-string-properties?
Apr 01, 2009 17:56

To get tags in lowercasing your properties need to be of type xhtmlstring.

-The downside is ofcourse that the xhtml string is parsed before redering, so it <i>could</i> potentially be an reformance issue.


Apr 02, 2009 7:21

Thanks for your reply!

 I'l check our properties...

Apr 09, 2009 11:01
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