I've used the BuildQueryString method without any problems.
What is the value of your redirect string?
Ok, dp you have any sample code I can look at?
My redirect string from the code above looks like this:
As you can see it's wrong :-)
I would use an UrlBuilder instead.
UrlBuilder ub = new UrlBuilder(CurrentPage.LinkURL);
ub.QueryCollection.Add("parameter1", "value1");
ub.QueryCollection.Add("parameter2", "value2");
Response.Redirect(ub.ToString(), true);
The problem with your approach is that you append the correctly built "BuildQueryString", but you miss the "&"/"?" between the strings when you just concat them.
NameValueCollection myCol = new NameValueCollection();
myCol.Add("Comment", "false");
myCol.Add("EditMode", "true");
string redirect = CurrentPage.LinkURL + UriSupport.BuildQueryString(myCol);
When I click my link the page can't be displayed. I've altered the code above several times but with no luck. Does anybody have any solutions to my problem?