Log4net troubles



I support a EPiServer 4.62 based site which has been displaying some funny behaviour recently. Basically it has been producing a statisitcal log for many months (using log4net) without any problems but recently it has been failing periodically. The server keeps serving pages but all logging stops. It also fails to roll to the next days log at midnight. To correct the situation I have been resorting to an iisreset which triggers the role to the next days log.

The only funny thing I can find is in the System event log and occurs at the same time as the logging failure.

A worker process with process id of '4820' serving application pool 'DefaultAppPool' has requested a recycle because the worker process reached its allowed processing time limit.

Does anyone have any experience with this sort of issue or tips on diagnosing what the trouble might be?

Many thanks


May 28, 2009 17:33
You probably try to create a log message before log4net is initialized, this will stop the functionality of log4net and no logs will be created.

The recycling of the application pool it just the trigger for this, but I suggest you turn it off I if you don't have any problem so you really want it on.

May 28, 2009 21:38
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