Thanks for the reply.
Yes... "EnableVisibleInMenu" do helps in solving my problem if i read the pages one by one.
But here iam directly assigning like SubMenu.PageLink = MenuList.OpenTopPage;
So i cann't check that condition.
Can you please provide another snippet code for alternative to above code condition i.e which you suggested.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the reply. But the given code is not working for me.
Do you have any code snippet or link where i donot want to show the pages in left menu (sub menu) whose DisplayInMenu is unchecked.
Iam facing an issue in binding the top menu items (MenuList) to leftnenu (PageTree).
The code which i had written to bind the controls is as fallows:
SubMenu.PageLink = MenuList.OpenTopPage;
The code works fine.
But if the page "Display Visible in Menu" property is even unchecked it is still displaying in PageTree which i donot want to.
Could you please help me in solving this problem.