Workiing with Site Footer



I been working with a site-footer and I would like to display all the children that are under the main menu. I have seen that the following code helps me to retrieve the children under the first menu so to speak, but does anybody could suggest something to retrieve the following childrens that exist in the coming hierarchy.

I am using PageList web control to display them and it would be good to know if there is some way to iterate over them so I can assign them to properties that should display the pages that come under these children. I believe that is nothing complex but I've got a bit stucked with this matter.

HierarchicalPageLoader hierarchicalPageLoader = new HierarchicalPageLoader();
hierarchicalPageLoader.PageLink = PageReference.StartPage;
hierarchicalPageLoader.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Read;
foreach (PageHierarchyData pageHierarchyData in hierarchicalPageLoader.HierarchicalSelect(null))

    PageReference pgLink = pageHierarchyData.Page.PageLink;




Thanks very much.

Jan 11, 2010 6:47
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