The function of the LongStringSettings field in tblPageDefinition?


I'm getting an error exporting pagetypes and dynamic properties in admin mode after migrating from EPiServer 4 to EPiServer CMS 5 R2 SP2.

Exception: There was an error generating the XML document.[Instance validation error: '268435455' is not a valid value for EPiServer.Editor.EditorToolOption.]

There's supposedly a fix for this error updating the number 268435455 to a lower number in the EPiServer database table tblPageDefinition and the field LongStringSettings. However I need to know what this number or other numbers in LongStringSettings actually mean (what function they have) before running the update in production. Does anyone know?



Oct 07, 2010 11:12


LongStringSettings represents the tools that are available for a specific editor.

When you add an xhtml string to a page type you can disable any of the editor tools (like bold, link tool, view html...). That field stores those settings.


Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer Development Team

Oct 07, 2010 15:20
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