Set the LanguageBranches property of the SearchDataSource (it's a comma separated list of language branch strings ("en" etc.)).
i am new to this concept of using search based on can i search based on language? If i stand in English language and if i type some text in search control it displays the results belonging to diff countries that match that can i filter those results?
Can anyone figure it out......Suggestions appreciable.....
Thanks in advance....
Add SearchDataSource.LanguageBranches = Locale((PageBase)Page); to your SearchDataSource.
i cant abe to add Locale keyword in my code. It required any name spaces?
Thank a lot......
It is working fine......once again thanks to u.......
Warm Regards,
I've built our site by modifying the public templates and I've got a little problem with the search function. It performs the search globaly and not just in the language branch that it concernes. I thoght removing the global-statement from SearchDataSource.SearchLocations = "~/Global/,~/Documents/,~/PageFiles/"; would do the trick but it still gets pages from the other branches. Is there any other place in which the global search can be removed?
Best regards,