Here's some info on the module.
Have you looked at the code? The code is available on EPiCode, I'd just do a SVN checkout, debug and update the code if necessary. The class that probably contains everything you need is XMLGenerator.cs, I see at least one bug there (when friendly url is not enabled), try setting a few breakpoints there, attaching it to your worker process and see if you can debug it. I'll see if I can get some time to take a proper look at the end of the week.
Hope this helps.
I'll give it a go! Time's starting to run out here so it looks like it's something I will have to look into in a few days. Thanks for the suggestion!
I've finally got some time to look at it but as I try to check out the source code with TortoiseSVN i get 403. Just me? I'm logged in and enter my eail/password but can't seem to get the code. The link to the zip-file doesn't work either.
You need to apply for membership for EPiCode:
I've gotten hold of the source code now. You said something about "attaching it to your worker process". How do I do this?
In Visual Studio, under the Debug and Attach to Process and attach to the w3wp.exe process for your site.
I've tried the Search Engine Sitemap-module and ran into some problems when using multiple domains to determine what language branch to use (ex g instead of have the language set in the url (ex. Has anybody found a work-around for this?