Creating pages and setting dynamic properties fail



We have a plugin that creates pages for each user in an AD-group.
In that process we also save a couple of dynamic properties to the page.
Everything works like a charm as long as the AD-group doesn't contain more than a handful users, but as soon as we try a group with more than that the dynamic property save function suddenly returns this error after successfully saving 20-30 pages.

Failed to load named object /mirroring.
at EPiServer.Implementation.SqlObjectStore.LoadOrCreatePath(String path, Boolean create, IItem current)
   at EPiServer.Implementation.CacheObjectStore.LoadOrCreatePath(String path, IItem current, Boolean create)
   at EPiServer.Implementation.CacheObjectStore.LoadPath(String path, IItem current)
   at EPiServer.Implementation.DefaultSession.LoadPath(String path)
   at EPiServer.Enterprise.Mirroring.MirroringInfo.List()
   at EPiServer.Enterprise.Mirroring.MirroringManager.PropertyEvent(Object sender, PropertyEventArgs e)
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.PageDB.OnBeforeSavingProperty(PropertyEventArgs e)
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.PageDB.PopulatePropertyCommand(IDbCommand cmd, PageReference currentPage, PropertyDataCollection props, PropertyData prop)
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.DynamicPropertiesDB.<>c__DisplayClass5.<Save>b__4()
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.DataAccessBase.<>c__DisplayClass7.<Execute>b__6()
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.DatabaseFactory.Execute[TResult](Action`1 method)
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.DataAccessBase.Execute(Action action)
   at EPiServer.DataAccess.DynamicPropertiesDB.Save(PageReference pageRef, DynamicPropertyCollection properties)
   at EPiServer.DataAbstraction.DynamicProperty.SaveCollection(PageReference pageLink, DynamicPropertyCollection props)
   at EPiServer.DataAbstraction.DynamicProperty.Save()

It almost looks as there's something wrong with mirroring, but there is no mirroring active.
Anyone got an idea what could be the problem and how to avoid it?
(not using dynamic properties is unfortunately not an option :)

Regards //Nisse

Mar 17, 2010 8:43
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.