Remove the language prefix from url ex. (/sv)




At first we had globalization enabled on our site, with english and swedish enabled, but we only used the swedish branch, so we disabled the globalization and disabled the english language branch.


The problem is that now we have two urls to each page, for example: "" and ""


So my question is, how do I remove the "/sv" from the urls.


Thanks in advance


Apr 12, 2010 13:31

Set the defaut language in episerver.config.

Like so:

<site description="YourSite">
         <add name="" language="sv" />
         <add name="" language="en" />
         <add name="*" />

Apr 12, 2010 15:47


It doesnt make any difference,

I checked in admin mode under "Manage Web Site Languages" and swedish is enabled, I tried to disable it but then I got "If you have globalization support enabled you always need at least one enabled language". But I dont have globalization support enabled.

Apr 13, 2010 10:42
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